阳江纳谷科技有限公司 营业执照已认证


阳江纳谷科技有限公司是由美国俄勒冈莱泽曼工具公司 (Leatherman Tool Group)与德国菲蒲光电科技有限公司(Zweibrueder Optoelectronics)合资建成。两家公司的经营理念也如出一辙,都强调创新、品质和以客户为中心。 被誉为全球顶尖电筒品牌之一的纳谷科技产品由德国高级设计师设计,曾多次荣获RED DOT、IF等国际大奖并拥有200多项专利。公司主要以设计、生产、销售节能环保的LED系列手电筒、灯具和发光产品为主。 纳谷科技拥有10.3万平方米的一流工厂,现有员工1000多人,包括高素质的管理人员、和工程技术人员等。 纳谷科技拥有标准的足球场、篮球场、多功能室内羽毛球体育馆和雄伟宽敞的办公大楼以及优美宜人的科技院、阳江南恩街、北京四合院员工宿舍、电影院、生活公园等员工福利生活配套设施。 纳谷科技秉承以人为本的核心价值理念,对员工关怀备至,对优秀员工进行激励并提供良好的发展空间。 纳谷科技是集科研开发、设计制造、学习培训为一体的现代化高科技企业,公司的使命是为光学革命贡献力量, 并致力提升员工, 创造更大价值! 我们诚意邀请才华横溢、经验丰富的您们加入纳谷,成就您们理想的长期职业生涯! Company Profile: LED LENSER Co., Ltd. is the foreign investment enterprise by Leatherman Tool Group from USA & Zweibrüder Optoelectronics from Germany. Our business philosophy synergy between the two companies—innovation, quality and customer focus. Awarded as one of the top lighting brands around the world, our products are designed by the top German designers, which has won Red Dot, IF and other international awards with over 200 patents. Our company is mainly engaged in the design, production and sale of energy-saving and environment-friendly LED flashlights, lamps and products designed for outdoor use. LED LENSER have a standard football field, a basketball court, a multi-purpose indoor badminton stadium and magnificent office buildings as well as perfect living facilities, cinema, and living for staff. LED LENSER has very nice factory covering an area of 103,000 m2, with over 1000 employees, including numbers of highly qualified management, engineering and technical staff. LED LENSER treats its employees extremely well and encourages/gives career growth opportunities to the company’s best employees. LED LENSER is a modern high-tech enterprise with US-German characteristics, which involves research & development, design & manufacture, learning & training together. The company’s mission is making contributions to the optical revolution and committed to growing our employees. We invite talented, experienced and skillful candidates to join us for long term career. 备注:本公司工作地点位于广东省阳江市,面试报销路费,期间餐饮、住宿由公司统一安排。



  • 行业工程/制造/机械
  • 注册资金5000万以上
  • 规模1000—3000人
  • 地区阳江市阳东县城工业园裕东一路25号

  • 扫一扫二维码

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